Many people find it challenging to hear in noisy restaurants, especially those with even slight early onset hearing loss. This difficulty arises from various factors that affect our ability to discern speech amidst the cacophony of background noise. Firstly, individuals with early hearing loss often experience a reduction in their ability to hear high frequencies. […]
Tag Archives: hearing loss
Hearing loss is a common condition that occurs when the ability to hear is diminished. It is often associated with aging, but it can also be caused by exposure to loud noise, certain medications, or other health conditions. When a person has hearing loss, it can worsen cognitive decline, which is a decline in mental […]
Something remarkable occurred to me last week. We have very poor treatment options for cognitive decline and dementia right now. There is a brand-new controversial medication recently FDA approved to help out with Alzheimer disease. This medication however has never been shown to improve cognitive decline or dementia. The medication is costly enough that it […]
Much data much research in the past 10-20 years in the hearing loss world has focused around how hearing loss can actually worsen early cognitive decline. We all see patients who are elderly have significant disabling dementia. At this point it simply too late for hearing aids to do much good. However often acting earlier, […]
COVID and Hearing Health Most otolaryngologists will agree that hearing complaints are on the rise this past year – whether it’s sudden hearing loss, new onset sensory hearing loss, and new or worsening tinnitus (ringing in the ears). We have seen these complaints during and following a confirmed COVID-19 infection, as well as seemingly on […]
The numbers may be a little bit dated now, certainly higher in today’s terms. A good article from 2012 broke down some of the occupational expenses of untreated hearing loss. Most notably, the average employee with any degree of untreated hearing loss earned about $11,000 less than their peers. For severe untreated hearing loss this […]
Hearing through facemasks in the time of social distancing is difficult. October 9, Dr. Rogers & audiologist Dr. Stacy Pickelman streamed a quick live feed on what some hearing aid manufacturers have done to help!
Hearing aid technology that helps with limiting undesired background noise When a person with hearing issues opts to use a hearing aid, the last thing they want to experience is unwanted noise. More often than not however, background noise is a major nuisance that keep irritating these clients. Many confess that this undesired noise is […]
There is now a treatment option available for Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD). The ear’s eustachian tube connects the sealed-off middle ear space to the back the nose/ sinuses to help keep ear pressure regulated. Blockage of the eustachian tube happens by conditions like allergies, sinus infections, adenoiditis, or just poor development to begin with. When […]
Untreated hearing loss usually take its toll on the patient gradually. According to the American Hearing Loss Association of America, almost 50 million Americans suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss. Many of these are those over 65 years. At 75 years, about a half of the population have the problem. Early intervention can help […]
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