Tag Archives: hearing loss

Safe Treatment for Earwax

Advanced ENT & Allergy

The role of earwax The body produces earwax (scientifically referred to as cerumen) for a number pf reasons. These include: Keeps the ear lubricated Traps dust Kills any microorganisms invading the ear canal Traps insects and other crawling things from getting to the eardrum Overall, earwax keeps the ear clean Should I have my earwax […]

Hyperacusis and Her Little Sister Misophonia

The uncoiled cochlea

Hyperacusis is an over-sensitivity to sounds. For those individuals experiencing hyperacusis some everyday sounds (the dishes, the vacuum, laughter, riding in the car etc.) may be uncomfortable or even painful for them. The first step for a person with hyperacusis is to get a complete evaluation by an Otolaryngologist (ENT) and an Audiologist. A variety of possible causes will […]

Hearing Loss & Mental Decline: It is Real!

In the April 2016 Journals of Gerontology a large study reporting over a thousand older adults with hearing impairment was published.  The study looked at the impacts of moderate-to-severe hearing loss versus mild loss on memory and cognitive decline.  The findings were remarkable for there being a 55% higher rate of decline in the more severe […]

Dizzy? Is it vertigo?

Benign Positional Vertigo (or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) Vertigo is special kind of dizziness that give you a severe sense of spinning or motion. It is usually a sign of an inner ear disorder, but can be a result of the balance nerve (vestibulo-cochlear nerve) or balance center in the brain. Vertigo can be quite […]

Q&A: Will ear plugs hurt my ears?

Question: Can the constant use of ear plugs hurt my ears?  – CR In Tennessee Yes in fact, but everyone is different. The ear canals connect the inner ear’s hearing apparatus to the outside world. These ear canals are lined with skin that has sweat glands, hair follicles and wax-producing glands. Many people have a tendency […]

The latest in high tech digitial hearing aids

Last month my practice partners and audiology staff went up to Minnesota to tour the Starkey headquarters.  Starkey is the leading manufacturer of fully custom and programmable off-the-shelf digital hearing aids.  Their worldwide headquarters is just outside of Minneapolis.  What an impressive facility! It is amazing to see exactly how their 24 hour operation can […]

The next quantum leap in Hearing Aids has little to do with hearing aids.

Just how we make the impression (or “mold”) of the ear canal has a ton to do with how well the device works, feels, and therefore how successful it is in practice.  One of the commonest reasons for hearing aid noncompliance or disuse has to do with fitting issues, directly related to the feel, and indirectly […]

Let the Ear Tube Season Begin!

The start back of school, new daycare classmates, and the upcoming cold season are a ripe time for ear infections. The earliest middle ear drainage procedures were performed in the late 18th century as a treatment for eustachian tube failure. This involved cutting the eardrum with a small knife (called a myringotomy). It was not […]

Hearing Loss – Say What?!

Adult-onset hearing loss affects millions of Americans and accounts for a huge economic burden in our country. There are two major forms of hearing loss – “sensory / neural” and “conductive”. Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by injury to the acoustic nerve or the cochlea. These injuries can be from noise damage, viruses, meningitis, and […]