Category Archives: Unique Content

Can I double-up my Allergy Meds?

Dr. Rogers

When should I take a second antihistamine? For years, medical protocols have allowed taking more than one antihistamine tablet daily for certain allergy-like conditions. I often see people in my office trying to mix and match various over-the-counter medications to achieve better results. However, what often works just as well, if not better, is simply […]

Salivary Tumors – that lump by your jaw!

Nodules or masses of the salivary glands are some of the more common “lumps and bumps” we see.  The major salivary glands include the parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands and may produce abnormal salivary tumors.  These glands are responsible for creating saliva to keep the mouth lubricated and help keep the teeth healthy.  The glands […]

When is Sleep Apnea Surgery Right for Me?

Overall, surgery for sleep apnea is usually reserved for either people who have failed a trial of a positive airway pressure device (CPAP or BiPAP or APAP) or who have just a single anatomic factor causing their blockage.  In most large studies and scientific reviews, we find surgery for sleep apnea is successful at reducing […]

Reflux Treatment with Alginates

Acid reflux disease can cause a number of problems in the throat, including constant throat mucous sensation, mild hoarseness, mild swallowing delay, or a sensation of “lump” in the throat.  The throat lining and vocal cords swell in response to acid exposure that might be quite minimal or intermittent.  Many people, especially those with snoring […]

Why aren’t Mold Counts Reported?

Mold and mildew are usually considered “indoor” allergens, meaning that while they do exist outdoors the inside of one’s home seems to be the biggest culprit.  Mold and mildew like dark and humid places – like the basement, around leaky pipes, under sinks, in baothrooms, in your flower pots.  Some AC units can harbor mildew […]

Update on Tonsil Cancer?

The past decade has brought a tsunami of tonsil cancer (and lingual tonsil cancer) to ENT clinics.  The Human Papillomavirus (HPV), long linked to cervical cancer, is now the most common cause of cancer in the throat.  The good news is our experience with this newer subtype of throat cancers has shown the HPV-linked cancers […]

Smell Something? Smell Nothing? Changes in Smell Sense

Balloon Sinuplasty

Smell loss is certainly in the news lately with the Coronavirus Pandemic, but in reality ENT’s see loss of smell (“anosmia“), reduced smell (“hyposmia“), and smelling false smells (“phantosmia“) all the time.  The sense of smell also contributes to the overall flavor of the food we eat.  And we know that when someone “loses their taste” […]

What Is the Typical Treatment for Nasal Polyps?

Nasal polyps are soft, painless growths that result from inflammation in the lining in our sinuses. They can obstruct the nasal passages and lead to complications such as impaired breathing, loss of smell, and sinus infections. These symptoms may be a sign that it is time for you to seek treatment. If you are suffering […]

Loss of Smell & Coronavirus

Recent reports from China and Europe have agreed that a sinus complaint, rhinitis, nasal congestion and a loss of smell may be early symptoms of Coronavirus. Many of these patients remain with minimal only symptoms but the loss of smell may turn out to be long term. Loss of smell is termed Anosmia (complete loss […]