Author Archives: Aaron Rogers

What Is the Typical Treatment for Nasal Polyps?

Nasal polyps are soft, painless growths that result from inflammation in the lining in our sinuses. They can obstruct the nasal passages and lead to complications such as impaired breathing, loss of smell, and sinus infections. These symptoms may be a sign that it is time for you to seek treatment. If you are suffering […]

Loss of Smell & Coronavirus

Recent reports from China and Europe have agreed that a sinus complaint, rhinitis, nasal congestion and a loss of smell may be early symptoms of Coronavirus. Many of these patients remain with minimal only symptoms but the loss of smell may turn out to be long term. Loss of smell is termed Anosmia (complete loss […]

When Should I See a Hearing Specialist?

For millions of people, hearing loss makes the world much more difficult to navigate. One may experience problems at school or work, withdrawal from social activities, or general frustration with communicating. The person experiencing these situations may be unaware that hearing loss is contributing to these problems, so at Advanced Ear, Nose & Throat Associates […]

What Is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy?

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, can be one of the most frustrating medical conditions for people to live with. One in six Americans suffers from this syndrome, which when left untreated can lead to sleeplessness, depression and social isolation. While there is no cure for tinnitus, relief is now available in the way of […]

Sinus Relief: How Do I Relieve Sinus Pressure?

Do you suffer from obstructed nasal breathing, obstructive sleep apnea, chronic drainage or recurring facial pressure? You may think you have a sinus infection, but antibiotics may not be the answer. In fact, it is incredibly common for people to suspect an infection when nasal inflammation, also known as rhinitis, is the cause of their […]

Does Chronic Sinusitis Ever Go Away? Signs It’s Time to Talk to a Doctor

If you are missing work due to a sinus infection that won’t go away after a few weeks, you could be suffering from chronic sinusitis. While it is possible to live with acute or chronic sinusitis when symptoms are mild, some indicators may suggest that you visit your doctor. If your sinus ailments are lasting […]

Get Sinus Relief with Our Professionals

Whether you have trouble breathing, you have frequent nosebleeds, or you have other issues that are related to your sinuses, surgery is an option that you should consider. Sometimes, you don’t realize the benefits of sinus relief surgery until a few weeks after having it performed. Most sinus surgeries can be performed in an outpatient […]