Hearing Loss

Hearing loss impacts everyone differently. According to the National Council on Aging, untreated hearing loss can lead to sadness, depression, worry, anxiety, emotional turmoil, and insecurity as well as less social activity. Frustration occurs when we cannot effectively communicate with one another. Often loved ones are the first to notice these effects.
Hearing loss is very common and can create problems with communication, safety, and overall quality of life. Because it happens very slowly — usually over several years — people often don’t notice that they have a hearing loss. Some of the symptoms of hearing loss include:
- Difficulty hearing normal conversations
- Finding yourself watching and reading lips to understand what someone is saying
- Asking people to repeat things
- Misunderstanding what people are saying
- Turning the TV or radio volume higher than norma
- Thinking people are mumbling when they speak
- Experiencing ringing in the ears, frequent ear infections, or dizziness
- Feeling exhausted from trying to hear people
The main consequence of a hearing loss is the effect on ones quality of life. As a result of poor hearing, children do not learn as well and can develop behavioral problems. People in the work place may have difficulty with work related tasks due to not properly hearing instructions, and can even lead to safety concerns around heavy machinery. Older people may become depressed and withdraw from the normal social interactions of society. A hearing loss may be embarrassing due to missing what others are saying or making others repeat themselves.
If you are noticing sudden hearing loss – whether after a loud sound or just out of the blue – we recommend an urgent visit to the main office to assess things within a few days. Sudden nerve-loss hearing damage can happen for no reason and the best odds of improvement center around early diagnosis and treatment.