Author Archives: Aaron Rogers

Feature with Dr. Forman: Cardiovascular Risk of Sleep Apnea

This week I had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Mervyn Forman, a distinguished Cardiologist and innovator in metro Atlanta.  Dr. Forman’s medical practice covers the spectrum of cardiovascular disease prevention and long-term management, while his research has focused on reducing heart muscle damage after a heart attack.  He is currently developing a drug coated […]

Chronic Ear Pain: It’s Not All in Your Head, Part I

Sinus Infection

Chronic ear pressure, pain, or discomfort can be extremely frustrating.  This is especially true when there is no clear cause found by your doctor.  Usually this will result in treatment for an ear infection (otitis media or otitis externa) inappropriately and unsuccessfully. One of the most common causes of ear pressure is eustachian tube dysfunction […]

Why are doctors always running late?

From day one I have sought to be an “on time” doctor.  This has been met with challenges however.  With maximum effort I still run about 15-20 minutes late every four hours (so my morning and afternoon office sessions usually are 20 minutes behind by the end).  The wait times for individual patients may vary […]

Oral Appliance Gaining Acceptance for Sleep Apnea & Snoring

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are some of the most prevalent medical conditions we face.  The causes are multiple: age, weight, upper airway anatomy, and neurological predispositions.  Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP devices) remain the gold-standard in therapy, although compliance is still low. Adjustable oral appliances are making a strong foothold in treatment.  These custom […]

Q&A: Why does my nose run when I exercise?

Question: My nose almost always runs when I work out. Usually it is thin and watery but sometimes thicker. It can be embarrassing since I’m constantly blowing my nose like I’m sick. -Barbara in St. Pete Beach, Florida Answer: The nasal mucous glands can get inappropriately activated during a number of otherwise normal scenarios. The […]

Sinus Spinal Fluid Leaks

Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea is the medical term for spinal fluid dripping from your brain cavity though your sinuses and out of your nose. It is a very rare condition, usually seen only after head trauma or as a complication of sinus surgery. More rarely, it can be seen occurring spontaneously in the condition of benign […]

The next quantum leap in Hearing Aids has little to do with hearing aids.

Just how we make the impression (or “mold”) of the ear canal has a ton to do with how well the device works, feels, and therefore how successful it is in practice.  One of the commonest reasons for hearing aid noncompliance or disuse has to do with fitting issues, directly related to the feel, and indirectly […]

Today I got my Mole Map CD Survivors of melanoma (or those at risk) will benefit from a whole-body photography service to photograph your moles.  This is particularly helpful for those with a lot freckles and moles (like me) with a history of heavy sun exposure.  Us with numerous moles are a challenge for dermatologists because we rely on the derm’s […]